Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snow day of the simple pleasures of being in the school system...


I woke up at 6 this morning to see if I needed to stay up or not. When I saw "Greenville County Schools - Closed" flash on the screen, a jolt of joy shot through me. Who doesn't like an unexpected vacation day?

Then I looked out our window over "the lagoon" to see huge, wet, brilliantly white snowflakes plummeting to the ground. As I watched, freezing rain started mixing in to create a glistening display of winter wonder. So I got about 6 blankets (no exaggeration) and moved my sleeping area to the couch. I opened the blinds and positioned my pillow so I could watch the unusual precipatory effect. Then to celebrate my snow day according to my timeless tradition, I fell asleep. Who could ask for a better start to a day?!

Fairy tale rewrite

This week in second grade (the way all good stories start:)), the miniature masterminds are writing fairy tales. Very amusing.

For example, Vincent writes,
"Then the mermaid girl dies. And they all live happily ever after."

I explained to him that having a good character die at the end of a fairy tale is not true to the genre and probably wouldn't aid in everyone else's happy existence.

Then there's Joi who wrote about "Snow White and the Seven Drawers." This led to a great vocabulary discussion about the minor differences between "drawers" and "dwarves."

Bet you've never read fairy tales like the ones I've been reading.